Millions of people wear contact lenses safely daily, but they require some maintenance and care. Oil, grime, cosmetics, and bacteria can all collect on them over time, irritating or even killing your eyes. Because contacts sit directly on the surface of your eyes, a lens that is not adequately cleaned and disinfected can increase the risk of eye infection. Therefore, excellent hygiene is crucial! A healthy washing program will involve some sort of contact lens solution and/or associated items, as well as cleaning, disinfecting, rinsing, and storing the lenses appropriately.
Make contact with Solution.
A commercially prepared chemical solution for cleaning and disinfecting contact lenses is known as a contact solution. There are many different types and brands, but most of them comprise a preservative, a binding agent, a buffer, and a surfactant or wetting ingredient. These components eliminate any buildup on the lenses without scratching them and condition them so that they are moist and wet on the surface of your eyes. When not in use, lenses can be stored correctly in contact solution, where they will remain clean and hydrated.
Pointers to help you practice appropriate contact lens care:
- Contact lens solution has an expiration date
Keep an eye on the bottle you’re using and throw it away when it’s past due. Lens cases should also be replaced every three to six months because they should not be worn permanently.
- Never try to wet your lenses- with water or, worse, your saliva; instead, use only the products your eye care specialist advised.
Multiple processes in lens care were popular in the early days of contact lens use, including distinct solutions and products. Many individuals now use a single, multipurpose contact solution that may complete all procedures in one step.