In today’s environment, there are many emergency or survival events which are possible. We will briefly identify a number of them.
- Entirely unexpected events such as households or groups getting lost on hiking trips.
- Being trapped inside a stranded or disabled car apart from well-travelled places.
- Storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires, or tornadoes.
- Economic collapse.
- Hostile invasion.
- Complete loss of outside electrical grid and so loss of everything including using all or a number of our electric and communications equipment.
- Additional disasters, a life-changing disaster can occur at any time.
These events could be for a short time or last for days, weeks or even months. Life as we know it could radically be changed and can turn into a severe survival occasion for us and our families.
Plan ahead, start preparing today, is among the most significant things that families can do. First prepare by acknowledging to yourself and your family that events can occur and the requirement to prepare is a priority.
Now time is on our side, in a crisis event resources might become nonexistent in a matter of hours. For instance, supermarket shelves could become bare in a very short time.
Then begin educating ourselves as to what would be the minimal survival tools, survival skills, food, medical supplies and other essentials which we will have to keep alive and exist. There are an infinite number of educational publications, survival courses and articles available to help us plan for what skills and supplies we will have to have a higher chance of survival.
Having disaster survival gear where you can get it in a hurry may be the difference between living and becoming a casualty of the disaster. Do not allow the list of necessary gear overwhelm you, rather develop a family plan and start to buy the most fundamental of these items. We have to begin somewhere, for most of us it takes some time.
Time is important as we cannot know when an event will take place. Prepare to survive at college, office, home or in your vehicle in case of an emergency or natural disaster. In any of these scenarios, we have to start now to be ready.
Every family member must know their own responsibility in the event of a crisis and be comfortable with it, this helps to reduce panic, develop a strategy and most of practice about what to do in a crisis and have exercises often.
Knowledge is power and there are times when we will have to rely largely on ourselves. Wilderness survival might be the only way to get by. When in the wilderness our survival skills and skills will be tested. Lots of the early settlers lived in the jungle and so can we are we prepare.